Other Projects


End credit song produced by Kajfes for the documentary “Somliga går i trasiga skor” by Magnus Gertten

We Got This

Tv-series 2020 directed by Patrik Eklund. Music by Kajfes.

That Summer

A documentary by Göran Hugo Olsson. Music by Kajfes & Osterberg.


A movie by Kristian Petri. Music by Kajfes, Osterberg & Söderberg.

Alla Vilda

A roadmovie about the Swedish author Birgitta Stenberg. Music by Kajfes & Osterberg.


Music and a book for children with illustrations by Ben Javens. Music by Oddjob.

The Mouse

Art/documentary film by Bigert & Bergström. Music by Kajfes & Osterberg.